Children’s Hope Chest volunteers dedicate themselves each year to promoting volunteerism, replacing despair with hope and having our children help other children in need. Our programs have grown to encompass many aspects of goodwill but all have been created to offer hope to those in need by linking established organizations with families to create social change. Through all of our varied programs hope can be made tangible to a child.
Click here to register on programs and committees listed, simply click on the program your are interested in...
Hope for The Holidays
Backpacks for Hope
Recipe for Hope
Hope for The Summer
Food for Hope
Coats for Hope
Exercise for Hope
Birthdays for Hope
Hands on for Hope
And for those young volunteers willing to do their part we have, our Buddy Programs.
Hope for The Holidays
Backpacks for Hope
Recipe for Hope
Hope for The Summer
Food for Hope
Coats for Hope
Exercise for Hope
Birthdays for Hope
Hands on for Hope
And for those young volunteers willing to do their part we have, our Buddy Programs.